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Your Most-Needed Health Benefits...found in Mulberries! delicious and healthy, yet so rare amongst Malaysian households. But no worries, we have got you covered...wholesome goodness in just a small bottle! 

Why you must consume mulberries? 

1) Antioxidant Powerhouse - Dried mulberries are an excellent source of anthocyanins, a group of antioxidants known for their anti-inflammatory properties. They have also been used to improve blood circulation. Dried mulberries contain another compound called resveratrol, the same potent antioxidant found in red wine and peanuts that is revered for its anti-aging effects. Studies indicate that resveratrol may lower blood pressure and reduce the risk for heart disease.

2) Plentiful Source of Fiber - A single serving of mulberries contains nearly 20 percent of your recommended fiber intake. Most people consume far less than the recommended amount so snacking on dried mulberries is a great way to boost the fiber content of your diet. These delicious fruits are an ideal source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps control blood sugar and reduce harmful cholesterol levels, while insoluble fiber is essential for a healthy digestive system.

3) More Vitamin C than Oranges - With 190% of the daily recommended value for vitamin C per serving, dried mulberries contain even more of this immunity-boosting vitamin per ounce than oranges! Getting plenty of vitamin C is important for supporting the immune system, repairing tissue, and protecting vision. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant that may lower the risk for heart disease by fighting oxidative damage.

4) Rich in Protein, Iron & Calcium - For a fruit, mulberries are an unusually high source of protein. They contain 4 grams of protein per serving, which makes them a great post-workout snack. Dried mulberries also contain a whopping 30% of the daily value for iron, and 10% of the daily value for calcium. Iron fights fatigue and keeps you feeling energized as it works to carry oxygen-rich blood cells throughout the body. Calcium is the foundation for strong bones and teeth, and an adequate intake of calcium can help prevent the risk of developing osteoporosis.


donnaj edwards said…
Interesting Article. Hoping that you will continue posting an article having a useful information. Soluble Fiber Syrup
Dr Irfan Unal said…
thank you so much for your kind feedback !

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