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Dr. Sweet™ Black Mulberry Extract

Many may have know about black mulberry's health benefits, but how many are aware of its indispensable importance in our daily lives? 

Named scientifically as Morus Nigra, this berry fruit has been cultivated for centuries in Southwest Asia, often found in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. So well known it is in Persian-influenced countries, that it is known as shahtoot (Shah for king, toot for mulberry). In fact, many of the jams and sherbet ice creams are flavoured with black mulberry from these regions. In Turkey, it has been traditionally used for treating mouth lesions.

Illustration by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thomé Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885, Gera, Germany

Why Black Mulberry? 

Of all mulberries, these black ones are known as the most delicious type. It has juicy fruits with extraordinary color and a unique, slightly acidic flavor. Yet, what is more important is its benefits to human well-being. In a comparative studies in 2007 by Ercisli & Orhan, it is proven that black mulberry has the highest contents of flavonoid & phenolic compared to white and red mulberries. 

Blood : The high levels of iron content in mulberries, which is a very unusual mineral for fruits to contain, can significantly boost the body’s production of red blood cells. This means that the body will increase its distribution of oxygen to important tissues and organ systems, thereby helping to boost metabolism and optimize the functionality of those systems. When our blood is given a healthy boost, it does not just stop at cleansing blood: it also means the risk of having blood clots and strokes are significantly reduced. 

Skin : Thanks to its rich antioxidant properties named resveratrol, black mulberry stimulates the growth of collagen. As a result, it slows down the signs of aging, as deep as fine lines and wrinkles. Besides, it also clears out dark spots and other blemishes on the facial skin. On the other hand, its anti-inflammatories helps to calm and soothe irritated skin. 

Hair : If you suffer from hair loss, mulberry extracts are a safe and natural alternative to getting chemical or surgical treatments. Drinking mulberry juice on a regular basis can benefit you if you wish to have healthy hair, whether it is greying or not.
Why is Black Mulberry Extract so important to you? 

Dr. Sweet Black Mulberry Extract is specially produced in Turkey, using only cold-pressed technology. It is 100% all-natural with no preservatives and no artificial colouring. Good news for those with diabetes and health-conscious people! In line with Dr. Sweet's principle of no-sugar lifestyle, our Black Mulberry Extract are not added with sugar nor glucose too. Sounds too good to be true? 

Just 2 spoons a day to reap the great benefit of Black Mulberry!

To top up value for you, Dr. Sweet™ Black Mulberry Extract is worth every cents in your intake everyday. Let's checkout this comparison calculation:

A) Each consumption of black mulberry fruits (100g) : RM20
Twice intake per day (morning & evening) : RM20 x 2 = RM40

B) 1 tablespoon (5g) intake of Dr. Sweet™ Black Mulberry Extract : RM1
Twice intake per day (morning & evening) : RM1 x 2 = RM2 ONLY

Unbelievable? Take action of your health NOW!
Dr. Sweet™ Black Mulberry Extract can be purchased by contacting us at WhatsApp 011-2388 4535 or in our Facebook page Dr Sweet Stevia


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