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Atkins Diet is an eating pattern that was introduced by Dr. Robert C. Atkins to help an individual lose weight through the burning of carbohydrates and fats in the body.

By reducing and limiting carbohydrates such as rice, noodles, potatoes and sugar, the body will begin to burn fat as an energy source

This means that your weight will begin to shrink. Atkins Diet principles' is that, by restricting carbohydrates, your body is forced to burn stored fat instead of carbohydrates for fuel

Image result for high blood pressure

Atkins Diet approach can positively affect the lives of people facing the risk associated with diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. 

It also may reduce gastrointestinal problems, and certain allergies, chronic pain and weakened immune systems.
In most of the diet you'll be hungry. 

But you do not have to starve when practicing Atkins.
In most of the diets you will still be addicted to foods high in carbohydrates and sweet.

When you do Atkins, you'll quickly learn how to overcome your addiction.

Some diet patterns are not successful in reducing body fat ,as even if you limit fatty foods, you still take carbohydrates and sugary foods.

So we SteviaSugar Corporation will help you reduce your weight by using Stevia in your Atkins Diet meal plan.

For your information, the main ingredient in food and beverages in our daily life is sugar.
In order to remain slim, we should reduce the amount of sugar ... and replace it with Stevia

Simply put a few drops of Dr Sweet Stevia Drops in your everyday diet. It is also easy to carry.

As an example, when you are eating in the store you can just bring along your Stevia Drops that can be stored in your pants pocket or handbag and order something .Water for example Tea O 'Kosong (no sugar) ... then drop a few drops of stevia in the drink. Easy right ...

In addition, you can also try our Dr Sweet Tea packed in a tea pouch. You only need to pour hot water and drink it ..Saves plenty of time right . 1 pouch can brew 1 liter of water..

For the sugar usage in cooking, you can replace it with our Dr Sweet Spoonable stevia... a few tablespoons of it can make your dish taste sweet ... it is also suitable to be use in manufacturing breads, cakes, pudding and other delicious dishes...

For any enquiries call us at : 03-21660445


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